Thursday, January 28, 2010

Internship #15: Thursday, January 28

1. Resources—Post a series of photos that show the technological resources, natural resources, economic resources and/or human resources that are connected to your internship.

It begins with checking the fire extinguisher. Inspecting to make sure it is ready for use if the need arises.

I have personally checked quite a bit of this extinguishers, and all the ones I checked passed with flying colors.

EH&S and Facilities had a Fire Safety Training this morning at 9. We learned/recapped information about the types of fires, fuels, and extinguishers.

This was a Class B fire, made from combustible/flammible material. Do not add water to a Class B fire.

What it looks like after the fire was put out. We had a magnesium fire demonstration right after this.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Internship #14: Wednesday, January 27

Thomas R. Evans
Associate Director
Environmental Health & Safety
Radiation Safety Officer

Arena Pharmaceuticals
6166 Nancy Ridge Drive 92121

I never got a chance to transcribe it. The programs I need do not work on my computer at work and I did not have access to a computer after work.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Internship #13: Tuesday, January 26

The process for making a chemical begins here. The chemical fume hood. This is where chemists begin to combine compounds and mixtures into a new chemical or substance.

Moving forward a few steps, we move onto the Screening Room. This is where chemicals or substances are taken to see if they have any bioactivity. Bioactivity meaning if it will have an effect on an organism or if it will not.

The final step before complete manufacturing of a chemical is the Chemical Processing Plant. This is where processing on a large scale happens. To see if a chemical or substance can withstand being in such a large amount or to transfer it into tablet, pill, or gel form.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Internship #11: Friday 1/22

I can definitely say that this week hasn't been boring. Having the week start on a Tuesday, because of MLK day, having the thunderstorms, working on my presentation. It's been a good week, stressful, but good. Although, it was fun to help out with the rain situation, it was also very stressful because everyone was calling us for reports of leaks, flooding, the works. It has been a fun and relaxing week, (except for the rain of course.) The most memorable will have to be when about 5 or 6 of us walked up the parking lot to watch the flooding of a large road and the entrance to the cemetery. It was massive, and I'm glad I took pictures.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship #10: Thursday 1/21

Today was very relaxed. My mentor Tom and I ventured around the site and took pictures of everything I had worked on, with, helped accomplish, or learned about. These pictures are for the purpose of my presentation, education, and most of all, for fun.

I've been wondering over the past two weeks whether I would be cut out for a desk job. I'm a free spirit and I am having trouble sitting and working in one place. I am interested in this career but I am much too unfocused and uneducated for such a task as of now. I have also opened up a multitude of other doors to other careers I might have an interest in.

Why did you become an EH&S person?
What makes you continue doing it?
If you could, would you start over at a job that made you happy(happier)?
What do you think would have happened if you didn't go to college?
What do you think you would be doing if Kelsey-Jenny college was still around?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Internship #9: Wednesday 1/20

I have chosen for my interview to just do a straight conversation. I will set up my digital camera to record a video and I will edit the video to take the video layer out and stick with the audio layer. The interview will consist of background questions and follow up questions based on their answer. I believe it will be more natural flowing and more beneficial to just do this instead of seperating this questions.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Internship #7: Friday 1/15

Project description

Internship site: Arena Pharmacueticals

Department: EH&S (Environmental Health & Safety)

Project Title: EHS Technical Support

General Description: Provide basic technical support for a regulatory related tasks. I will learn about the task, perform the work, and be able to describe the regulatory impacts of the work.

Learning Objectives:
Variety of EHS related skills (Tech./Admin)

Organization/Company Objectives & Benefits: Help to catch EHS up on over-due tasks. (Signage, inspections, shipping)

Schedule: Whatever comes up during the day aside from my daily tasks, such as: fixing a chemical storage door under a fume hood, counting up gas tanks in storage for chemical inventory, taking a tour of the CGMP plant, learning about the equipment on site.

Academic Skills: My interest for biology, my understanding of chemistry, and the knowledge of harmful chemicals I have learned through my chemistry class and through my own research.

Technical Skills: I can use all sorts of labor related experiences to accomplish tasks thoroughly and on time. I am capable of thinking of a decent to a pretty good solution to a problem on the spot, and I believe that will come in handy.

Collaboration—Skills and Opportunities:

Exhibition Plans: Take pictures and write captions or descriptions of what I did during the project, how it was done, and what that looks like. I will compile these onto a powerpoint display and talk through it during my presentation.

Schedule & Timelines:

Next, provide a summary of your week.
Use these questions as a jumping off point for a well-written and thoughtful summary of the week:
What were the highlights? What challenges did you face and how did you manage them? How did you work with others? What did you see and/or experience that you did not expect? How would you describe your first week to someone who has never had an internship?

The highlights of my week had to have been the first few days. Getting to know everyone, seeing everything new that I got to see on a daily basis, finding out new tasks. It was just an awesome intro to an interesting workplace. I faced confusion on some of my tasks, but I simply asked my mentor or another person what I should do and they gladly gave advice and were proud that I asked instead of jumping right in. I was not expecting to go into the vivarium. It was something I was kind of trying to avoid, it wasn't as bad as I had expected but I can understand why. Internship is very hard. You have to stay on top of things and be presentable. I don't have time to slack off, But that doesn't mean that it can't be fun and rewarding.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Internship #6: Thursday 1/14

Taking a break from projects for a moment...

Next week, you will need to interview your mentor or a particularly important coworker. In this mentor interview, you are intending to one or all of the following:

1. Learn about this person's life through their stories, experiences and the decisions they made along the way.

2. Begin to understand the path(s) that can lead to personal and professional "success."

3. Establish and deepen a professional and intellectual relationship.

Hopefully, from this experience, you might begin to have better, more or different ideas about your own life beyond high school.

In this blog post, write about what you would like to learn when you interview your mentor. Post the big ideas and main topics you want to discuss and why they are important to you.

I want to learn what it takes to lead to personal and professional "success." I want to find a job that I will love, that will support me financial, and will keep me happy until the end of my days or until I can retire.

Also, discuss when this could take place. Schedule a time and place with your mentor (or coworker) and post that info in your blog, if possible (you will need to know this by early next week). Locate and reserve a computer or other recording device to document this interview.

Location will be at the job site, probably in his office. I can record it on my digital camera and I will discuss with him what date it will be on.

Post all of this info below your writings about your ideas and goals for your interview.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Internship #5: Wednesday 1/13

Titles: EHS Technical Support

Project Description: Provide basic technical support for regulatory related tasks. I will learn about the task, perform the work, and be able to describe the regulatory impacts of the work.

Project schedule: Whatever comes up during the day aside from my daily tasks, such as: fixing a chemical storage door under a fume hood, counting up gas tanks in storage for chemical inventory, taking a tour of the CGMP plant, learning about the equipment on site.

Materials and Equipments:

Project Documentation: I write down my daily events and will order them chronologically and explain what I did during that event.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Internship #4: Tuesday 1/12

1.Academic skills I can use on the job will be my interest for biology, my understanding of chemistry, and the knowledge of harmful chemicals I have learned through my chemistry class and through my own research.


3.I can use all sorts of labor related experiences to accomplish tasks thoroughly and on time. I am capable of thinking of a decent to a pretty good solution to a problem on the spot, and I believe that will come in handy.

4.There are an assortment of new things I can learn during this job. How to take down and replace old and faded warning signs, replace broken or non-functional pieces of small storage bins. To realize the research and dedication that goes on in this department, as well as all of the other departments.

5. I can take pictures of my work, write about it on my blog, and catalog all of that into a powerpoint. I'll use that powerpoint as my evidence during my POL or exhibition.

6. I can help with overdue tasks. Getting ready for inspections, helping with signs, replacing doors for chemical storage. All things necessary and needed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Internship #2

To start off on the right note I have been polite in my introductions, active in my desk work and my touring and strolling around the building site, and learning about what this company does and how it functions.

To create opportunities, I am keeping an open mind and am available for any interesting or unique tasks.

I am confused by this question. Either my own interest or the interests of my mentor/site. I will address my own. I am keeping my interest in the site by maintaining an interest in biology and chemistry. I will see many of these types of sciences throughout my stay.

I can maintain a positive attitude, an open mind, and a willingness to learn and improve in my day to day activities, goals, and duties.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Internship #1

I do not know how to transfer photos from my phone onto this document at this time.

Is Arena a recession-proof company?
No, apart from my predictions Arena is not. It is run off stock bought by employees and other businessmen and stock owners. This is definitely not a recession-proof system. No money from stocks, no money for Arena.

I woke up at around 7:30 am. I actually ate breakfast for once and waited for my ride to work. My mentor picked me up and drove me to work because he does not live far away. The trip took roughly half an hour, this will change based on traffic and red light run-ins on Miramar road. When we first got to the office and throughout the day, I met everyone who I will see on a day-to-day basis. I met my mentor's coworkers, some of the chemist and bio-chemists, managers and so forth. I work at a desk in one of the either buildings owned by Arena. I work in building G, or the EH&S and Quality building. The surrounding area is very nice. We can see the cemetery from the back view on the hill, and the surrounding area and buildings are not as bad as one might imagine. I visited all the labs and saw first hand what the chemists see daily. On my next visit, I will see inside the large scale plant and view all of the production on a large scale compared to lab scale. I am indeed excited to work here, I feel this is a great opportunity to decide whether this is a career for me, or if I'm not cut out for biotechnology.