Thursday, September 10, 2009

Blog #4

The feedback I had gotten was both good and bad. Good on the fact that it was completed and the reader got the point I was trying to make. Bad on the fact on which the reader didn't specify clearly on what I could add or change. They gave one good option of adding in an emotion or trait that both My icon and myself have in come. That helped a lot on the basis of being a more complete and thorough paper.

Artist Statement

I remember throughout my youth, hearing familiar songs that I loved. I could never get enough of these songs. They were amazing and were instantly saved forever in my head. I remember finding out who these songs were written by not much later. They were written by a band called, Pearl Jam, and more importantly a man named, Eddie Vedder.

It's been a successful career for Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam since they first formed in 1990. They've sold millions upon millions of albums, and are world renowned. But just because Vedder is famous, does not mean that he let's it get to his head. Over the years Vedder had donated tons of money, time, and effort towards many charities and causes. The Bridge School, formed by Neil Young, the Kelly Slater Foundation, PETA, and the Surf Rider Foundation, just to name a few. He is also supports the causes of animal rights and protection, the environment, and the creative arts.

I'm almost certain that he did not just come up with these beliefs on his own. I'm sure he was inspired by someone, somewhere along the line. I know I was. I was inspired to follow and support my own causes. I support animal rights, the environment, and the creative arts. I try to send down a good message to my siblings and to my peers. I am the oldest out of my group of friends, so I am thought of as the wisest. I try and get my friends and siblings to eat healthier, to try and watch out for the environment, and think about their actions towards others everywhere they go.

No other emotion can fuel the act of giving as easily as compassion. Vedder is filled with this very emotion and you can tell by his efforts. This is something we have in common/ I share my compassion and care with all my friends and people I encounter during everyday life.

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