Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blog #29: Nature Writing

Christopher McCandless' adventures were indeed admirable and noble. His struggles were beneficial and maybe even necessary for him to blossom and become who he needed to be. Surviving a near death experience does make you a better human. It makes you realize that you are not immortal and maybe question what you have been doing and why you may have been doing this. He risked his life day-to-day, ventured where some of us only daydream, and lived his life the way he wanted to. To see the world, and live a full life.

We can't start a story midway through now can we? Every story had a beginning, including this one. McCandless did not agree with his parents materialistic view on life. They were a privileged family with quite a bit of wealth, But Christopher was a simpler man and enjoyed his inexpensive things and the memories they shared, more than new expensive items. He eventually left on his own to hitchhike to Alaska.

Christopher risked his life on a daily basis. Walking through the desert with a low amount of water, Kayaking through white water without previous experience or advise, venturing to Alaska without proper gear and provisions. We all know Christopher had risked his life in basically everything he did and everywhere he went, but its important to know this because it proves that he not only stuck with his dream, but he also obtained his dream in the end. He made it to Alaska. He did exactly what he had wanted to do. At the end of his adventure, we all knew that we all are not immortal.

Christopher McCandless had traveled all over North America. Places like Arizona, California, South Dakota, and down the Colorado river to the Gulf of California. This is quite a feat for a young man right out of college with no experience besides a road trip here and there. Most of us rarely even get to go out to our grandparent's or relative's houses for the holidays. This man ventured across North America by himself. That is impressive.

Christopher McCandless lived a life some of us can only dream of. Seeing things most people don't get to see, experiencing the rough experiences the world has to offer, and getting away from the things that were holding him back. Living the dream some might say. He followed that dream until the end, while most of us compromise or even completely abandon our dreams. Thus why his adventures were admirable and noble.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Blog 28: Nature Writing Essay ( Into The Wild)

Do you feel, as one letter writer did, that there is “nothing positive at all about Chris McCandless’ lifestyle or wilderness doctrine …surviving a near death experience does not make you a better human it makes you damn lucky” (116); or do you see something admirable or noble in his struggles and adventures?

His adventures were indeed admirable or noble. His struggles were beneficial and maybe even necessary for him to blossom and become who he needed to be. Surviving a near death experience does make you a better human. It makes you realize that you are not immortal and maybe question what you have been doing and why you may have been doing this. He risked his life day-to-day, ventured where some of us only daydream, and lived his life the way he wanted to. To see the world, and live a full life.

Paragraph #1: How he risked his life, how he survived, and why is it important?

Paragraph #2: Where he visited, why is it beneficial or relevant?

Paragraph #3: Why did he venture off in the first place? Why did he want to go to Alaska/hitchhike?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blog #27: Nature Writing

1. We do not know the real reason for him leaving, and wanting to go back to civilization. We do know that he was indeed trying and had a book by Tolstoy. The book was about living with other people and being with family and such. Maybe Chris needed to just be with friends and people he cared about. Maybe he got tired of being alone all the time.

2. I believe that McCandless would agree with this statement. If the youth did what was completely acceptable and what was asked of them, no new discoveries or adventures would be accomplished. Elders will almost always disapprove of their youth venturing off into the unknown. They will find it foolish, or even childish. These choices to venture off are necessary. To find one's self and also to discovery what other people may have never seen before.

3. I wouldn't say that his adventures were noble or admirable, but I would say that they are eventually worth the struggle. He found pure happiness that people can't find with just living with materialism or the day-to-day stresses and struggles.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Blog 26: Professional exhibition Arena Pharm. Easter Seals. Scripps Birch Aquarium. Symbolic Motors

Arena Pharmaceuticals: Tom Evans -

Easter Seals - Julianne Attaway -

Birch Aquarium - Kristin Evans (recently married, do not know new last name) - N/A for now

Symbolic Motors - William Attaway - Household connection (will post asap)

Dates: Whenever possible. May be long term.

Locations: All are on site at their buildings

Arena : Mira Mesa
Easter Seals: Narrowing down locations
Scripps Birch: At aquarium
Symbolic Motors: Either in the workshop or at the La Jolla location

Requirements: I know nothing of this at this moment in time, I am currently in contact with 3 out of 4 options and will post my progress (or update you) as soon as I receive information in these categories

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog #21

Nick and Gatsby are detached from their surroundings. I believe it is in fact that they feel they do not belong. They are human yes, but feel as though they have traits that set them apart from everyone else. Nick, feels he is the only honest one he knows anymore. Even Gatsby has something to hide from him. Gatsby had a tragedy in the family and does not like to be close to people or share said tragedy with others, But he trusts Nick with this secret.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog #19 Professional example

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

It looks like a common picture found from the Ocean Beach area and something someone from Ocean Beach would produce.

That the beach is a relaxed place and can help ease your mind.

All surfers, beach goers, or photographers.

Man standing in the sand with a surf board waiting for the waves to crash in with the sunset in the back.

Rule of thirds and lighting, It captures the true feelings of the picture well, and these techniques turn a common picture into an excellent picture like this.

It relates to our project and my site where I will be researching.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blog 16 MSB!

From Dani's blog I read that she was going to take old pictures from Sunset Cliffs and then take new ones herself of the same area and compare them. It's a great idea and I think it would be able to get a great message across if I were to choose a photo essay.

Dani's Blog:

From Hallie's blog she mentioned something about the pollution having any effect on animals in the ocean. She mentioned whales and how she would go whale watching. That is a great idea. Observing an animal in their habitat would be an excellent way to see if they are effected in their day to day habits.

Hallie's Blog:

While reading Deejay's Blog, I thought to myself. "I could literally ask the people at the beaches what they think of the beach, and if they would still come if they knew it was dirty, or if it got dirtier."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog #15

I am interested in either a documentary that addresses the question "How does the pollution effect the public's opinion?"
I am also interested in a photo documentation that addresses the question as well. I will base my video off of Jessica Matthews video. I really liked the interviews and then the facts in between. "Jessica Matthews."

Blog #14

How does Pollution effect the public's opinion?

If so, Why does it effect their opinion? What if the situation isn't as bad as they think? What would happen if all of the public's opinion was negative?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blog # 13

"In a striking change of direction, the California Coastal Commission yesterday voted 8-4 to give San Diego its third exemption from pollution standards set by federal Clean Water Act."

San Diego is getting its third exemption from standards that every other city in California has to meet, It will take $1.5 billion to retrofit the treatment plant to meet these standards.

There is no information on what happens to the wastewater after it gets into the ocean. There are no statistics or visual confirmations.

I would get facts about the size of the contaminated area (if it is even able to be tested) and also write about what the contract was that will make the city come back in two years for a check-up.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog 11: Media Saves The Beach

Why haven't a lot of sharks shown up around the Children's Pool? Just interesting to me that I've heard no shark sightings around an area so intensely filled with their food.

How does human interaction effect Mission Bay? I heard about the alcohol beach ban loophole, and how a bunch of people drank literally on the water. I was wondering what happened to all the trash that fell off their boats and if it effected it at all.

How does pollution effect the public's opinion? This is just all around interesting. If a beach is dirty will someone still go to it? what if it has a reputation for being dirty? and vice versa.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dying For Dixie

In the American South some will say that a “war” is still being fought from its origin back in the 1800s. This war is not over land, it is not over money. It is over race. The mere color of a man's skin. Sounds pretty ridiculous if you ask anyone outside of this area. Both sides of the fight are pitted so against each other that they won't even swim in the same swimming pools. It appears that the 1960s and the civil rights movement didn't reach these areas or maybe just didn't even have an effect. There was a case back in 1995 of a man, Michael Westerman, from Guthrie on the Tennessee and Kentucky border being shot and killed for him having the Confederate flag on the back of his truck. This man was not a believer in the preachings of such people as the KKK and Aryan Nation. He merely thought the red of the Confederate flag matched his red truck and made it look “sharp.” This man was killed over something as trivial and irrelevant as this. In Todd county, people were going hysterical over this tragedy. Things went way overboard.

State officials wanted to remove the Confederate “Rebel” flag mascot from the school. Most of the residents and parents refused and were pitted in a pointless argument over the fact. African-American parents were afraid to stand up for their children and themselves to remove the flag from the school and the state. One woman named Frances Chapman stated, “Slavery was not all that bad. A lot of people were quite happy to be living on large plantations. Blacks just need to get over slavery. You can't live in the past. Blacks don't really have anything against the flag. They just don't want us to have it. They want the best jobs, the biggest money. Now they want this. If we lose the mascot, it'll be just a matter of time before we lose everything. Don't us where they used to be.” Apparently she believes that since the African-American parents and families want to feel safe, that they are slowly taking away her freedom.

This “Southern Pride” these people of Todd County share, is simply just a false ideal of a life and belief. Todd County, or whatever the area was called during the era of the civil war, supported the Union. Not the Confederacy. So their “Pride” is simply a facade. Jefferson David, The leader of the confederacy himself said in his last speech and was engraved on a statue, “The past is dead; let it bury its dead, its hopes and its aspirations; before you lies the future. :et me beseech you to lay aside all rancor, all bitter sectional feeling, and to take your places in the ranks of those who will bring about a consummation devoutly to be wished- a reunited country.” You can see that even the leader of the Confederacy wanted to become a united nation and not have struggles and hate for no real reason.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blog 10: Reconstruction

Reconstruction was the period immediately after the Civil War. This is the period that the rest of the United States tried to eliminate all remaining traces of slavery and tried to reunite the rest of the states that succeeded to the Confederacy. It originally was going well when led by Abraham Lincoln, But after his assassination things got worse. Lincoln's successor, Andrew Johnson, made a mess of things. Appointing leaders to the South to try and "fix things up" didn't work too well. He appointed leaders to do what the South wanted to do, not what the rest of the States wanted them to do. This eventually led to the formation of such things as the 13th through 15th amendments, Black codes, and the Jim Crow Laws. This period is most likely the reason behind the South being seen as such a "hateful" and "racist" place.

"A U.S. Census worker found hanged from a tree near a Kentucky cemetery had the word "fed" scrawled on his chest, a law enforcement official said Wednesday, and the FBI is investigating whether he was a victim of anti-government sentiment." As you can see this is still a problem is some parts of the Southern United States. In my personal opinion, it is because the Reconstruction was not handled properly.

Barrett, Devlin. McMurray, Jeffrey, "Census worker hanged with 'Fed' written on body." Sep. 23rd, 2009, The Associated Press, Accessed September 30th, 2009.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog# 9

"Dubbed “Floatopia” after a similar event thrown by college students in Santa Barbara, the recent Mission Bay version left some neighbors wading through trash, concerned about safety and worried about the environmental impact. The bay is home to sensitive eelgrass habitat which can be disturbed by boats."

The controversy of avoiding the No alcohol on any beach law, by taking drinking on to the water. Probably anywhere on the internet, I searched for this story in particular because I heard about it on the news. This relates to our class and Media Saves the Beach in the fact that the drinkers use boats to drink on the water, and the boat usage in this certain area ruins the growth of eelgrass.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog #8: Media Saves The Beach

I don't know exactly what I'm going to do for this project. I could try and get people to clean up PB and have people take action, or get more people aware of things going on. I was really interested in the artwork and photography from the website, so I'm probably going to choose to do one of those. Either a compilation of photos and project descriptions, or a large painting or mesh of pictures of some sort.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

American Icon Final Product

Inspiration At It’s Best

I remember throughout my youth, hearing familiar songs that I loved. I could never get enough of these songs. They were amazing and were instantly saved forever in my head. I remember finding out who these songs were written by not much later. They were written by a band called, Pearl Jam, and more importantly a man named, Eddie Vedder.

It's been a successful career for Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam since they first formed in 1990. They've sold millions upon millions of albums, and are world-renowned. But just because Vedder is famous, does not mean that he let's it get to his head. Over the years Vedder had donated tons of money, time, and effort towards many charities and causes. The Bridge School, formed by Neil Young, the Kelly Slater Foundation, PETA, and the Surf Rider Foundation, just to name a few. He also supports the causes of animal rights and protection, the environment, and the creative arts.

I'm almost certain that he did not just come up with these beliefs on his own. I'm sure he was inspired by someone, somewhere along the line. I know I was. I was inspired to follow and support my own causes. I support animal rights, the environment, and the creative arts. I try to send down a good message to my siblings and to my peers. I am the oldest out of my group of friends, so I am thought of as the wisest. I try and get my friends and siblings to eat healthier, to try and watch out for the environment, and think about their actions towards others everywhere they go.

No other emotion can fuel the act of giving as easily as compassion. Vedder is filled with this very emotion and you can tell by his efforts. This is something we have in common/ I share my compassion and care with all my friends and people I encounter during everyday life.


Eddie Vedder’s Charity Work,, Look To The Stars, Sep. 7th, 2009

Eddie Vedder Interview from Change Begins Within,, The David Lynch Foundation, Sep. 7th, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog # 6 American Icons Reflection

During this project I learned that I am very concise and to the point in my writing, but I can sometimes miss the big picture and some of the big ideas. I simply rant on about something that truly isn't a real part of the writing.

I was taught early on about the "loop." Get the writer into the story with something from now-ish but more in the past and have it lead into what I'm going to write about. Then have the rest of the paper be about whatever I needed to talk about. Then finally get the reader back into the real world with my paper still in their mind. Maybe even have them think about it later on in life. I had tried multiple ways to try this and get it to work. I believe I achieved that. It definately made my writing more interesting and fluid, instead of just random thoughts and facts.

There is always something you have to improve. If I had time for one more draft I would definately try and expand on how he inspired me or how I'm going to continue to inspire and achieve those beliefs.

"They've sold millions upon millions of albums, and are world renowned. But just because Vedder is famous, does not mean that he let's it get to his head." I find it interesting because it says that he is famous and has tons of money. That's what most people want now-a-days. He goes beyond that, he wants to help as much as he can, and donate where he can. I think this sentence proves that.

Friday, September 11, 2009

American Icons Photograph

I need to make it black and white, and add a contrast. Please let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Photography Techniques

1) Slow Shutter Speed. One of my favorites. Just look at that water! it looks ghostly! I would love just to play around with this setting. It is so fascinating.

2) Bokeh. This is a very interesting technique. For this you are supposed to blur the background while leaving the edge of the focused object soft. It always leaves me pleased looking at this style and I would love to try it for myself.

3) Rule Of Thirds. I plan to use the rule of thirds to my advantage to capture myself and the background behind me. I had seen the original photo and the man and his dog were a lot further away and were dead center. Since it has been edited to fit this rule, it is drastically improved.

Blog #4

The feedback I had gotten was both good and bad. Good on the fact that it was completed and the reader got the point I was trying to make. Bad on the fact on which the reader didn't specify clearly on what I could add or change. They gave one good option of adding in an emotion or trait that both My icon and myself have in come. That helped a lot on the basis of being a more complete and thorough paper.

Artist Statement

I remember throughout my youth, hearing familiar songs that I loved. I could never get enough of these songs. They were amazing and were instantly saved forever in my head. I remember finding out who these songs were written by not much later. They were written by a band called, Pearl Jam, and more importantly a man named, Eddie Vedder.

It's been a successful career for Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam since they first formed in 1990. They've sold millions upon millions of albums, and are world renowned. But just because Vedder is famous, does not mean that he let's it get to his head. Over the years Vedder had donated tons of money, time, and effort towards many charities and causes. The Bridge School, formed by Neil Young, the Kelly Slater Foundation, PETA, and the Surf Rider Foundation, just to name a few. He is also supports the causes of animal rights and protection, the environment, and the creative arts.

I'm almost certain that he did not just come up with these beliefs on his own. I'm sure he was inspired by someone, somewhere along the line. I know I was. I was inspired to follow and support my own causes. I support animal rights, the environment, and the creative arts. I try to send down a good message to my siblings and to my peers. I am the oldest out of my group of friends, so I am thought of as the wisest. I try and get my friends and siblings to eat healthier, to try and watch out for the environment, and think about their actions towards others everywhere they go.

No other emotion can fuel the act of giving as easily as compassion. Vedder is filled with this very emotion and you can tell by his efforts. This is something we have in common/ I share my compassion and care with all my friends and people I encounter during everyday life.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog 3: Resources

Eddie Vedder:
A website on all the charities Vedder is involved in or was involved in the past. It also mentions the causes he is for and supports 100%. This is an important resource because is shows that he is not just another "rockstar" and he actually cares, instead of just donating a bunch of money to a random cause to "look good."

A face to face interview with the David Lynch Foundation and Eddie Vedder himself, about how Pearl Jam was formed and what it was like just starting off.

Eddie Vedder in the crowd with "Stop This War" written on his acoustic guitar. Definately shows that he cares about this world, and the events that occur. He is active in the things he believes in and works towards them to see the world as a peaceful place.

Darth Vader:
1) Star Wars Episodes III - VI.
Darth Vader would not exist in the pop-culture world if it were not for these movies. These are the key to his fame and he wouldn't exist outside of George Lucas's head and books without them.

A Complete character bio on Darth Vader. The equivalent of a biography. It states everything there is to know on Darth Vader and thensome.

This image shows that Darth Vader has become a life-altering figure. A cup definately shows that its a huge impact.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

American Icons

1) Billy Corgan represents my creativity that I am always conscious about letting out. He is a very creative man, and you can tell just by listening to his songs. The music video for "Today" is a great example. In the video, Billy is an ice cream truck driver, and he eventually finds his guitarist and other band members wearing random outfits, such as a cowboy and James Iha wearing a sundress, and paint his truck with a bunch of paint. Pretty random if you ask me. But he's not one to care about that. It's music. It's life. We shouldn't care what others think. we should just have fun.

Billy Corgan inspires to me to play and practice my guitar and music skills more and more. He plays guitar with passion and makes it look extremely easy when he plays. He is easily an American Icon because he has sold many albums throughout his career and is world renowned for his band, Smashing Pumpkins.

2) Eddie Vedder. This is a man who is a huge influence to my life, and to my music. He was/is the lead singer to Pearl Jam, and has his own solo career as well. He formed Pearl Jam in 1990. The name 'Pearl Jam' was named after his great grandmother Pearl's famous homemade jam. He had sold many albums that have all reached platinum to multi-platinum status. He had also made the soundtracks for movies such as: Into The Wild, I Am Sam, and Dead Man Walking. In the summer of 1994, Vedder and Pearl Jam got into a disputed battle with Ticketmaster regarding their ticket prices for their concerts. In 1995, The Justice Department sided with Ticketmaster and the dispute was settled. Vedder is also active in several enviromental and pro-choice causes.

In my music, I am beginning to play from my heart. To write everything that sounds great and that really sings from my own personality and soul. He had done this for every album, and every song he's ever written. It made him get to the top in the 1990's. To write for you, is to write what you want to hear, and what you feel. If you write for yourself, you will never feel down if someone doesn't like your songs. It was meant for you, and you love it. It wasn't made for them, so they shouldn't have to.

3) Darth Vader. A very strong, and intimidating man. He is a man who follows his path to the end. He does not give up, and never surrenders! His wife Padmé, his mother, and his friends were what was important to him. He eventually chose the path to the Dark Side, and lost of all that. He lives his life in hate and vengeance.

He was a world renowned character in the 70's with George Lucas' film series, "Star Wars." He is still known today, as a extremely powerful jedi and a torn individual. He can be seen in every "Star Wars" film today. He may not be "Darth Vader" but he can be seen in the earlier episodes as his younger self, Anakin Skywalker.

He is important to me because I love the Star Wars series and he is my favorite character. I believe that is a VERY important part of American history and deserves to be honored as an icon because everyone loved Star Wars when it first came out, and we still love it to this day. People will continue to love this movie, and George Lucas is a genius for thinking up such characters and story.

Blog Numero Uno!

Junior year. Finally made it! I hope to make this year a great one. Learn a ton from all of my teachers. Retouch matt skills with Darren, Bio with Brandon, and humanities with Randy.

My overall goals for this year are as follows:
1. Not go to summer school again!
2. Earn ATLEAST all B's (hopefully A's)
3. Have a great Junior year.

I hope to become a better writer. I'm decent at writing papers as is, but everyone, including myself, could always use some improvement. I'm excited for history, it's an interesting subject and I want to learn more about the past and our own country.

I hope to develop better social skills, such as talking in front of the class more, and just being comfortable in front of others.